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Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Mans Got Skills

Laminate Floor
Originally uploaded by Malcolm Designs.
I'll be taking a few days break from blogging as I go to the hospital at 6:00 am for surgery tomorrow. Certain Someone spent Saturday in Ikea purchasing laminate flooring to install in his room. We spent today sleeping in , eating,then getting to work on the floor project. It was fun assisting him as he ripped up the old carpet, ripped out nails, and other wise just amazed me. I helped a little with moving some furniture, lifting out nails from the floor, sweeping,etc.We got a lot accomplished and now have a hollow shell of the room. We could have been characters in one of those home improvement shows. Its so satisfying to learn and be able to do these things yourselves ,rather than paying pricey contractors. Certain Someones even contemplating painting. The final result will be a home theater, game room, all purpose recreation room . In the meanwhile the rest of the house is cramped again with the overflow of furniture from his room. As long as I have a space and clean bed for when I come home mid week from the hospital. I realized we are facing two of the most challenging aspects a couple could face "illness/ recovery" and home renovation simultaneously. I think we'll pull through.

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