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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Germans All Around Me

German shopping bag
Originally uploaded by lordrich.
This weekend was the final World Cup Weekend . Certain Someone and I made it to Fados Pub on Saturday to support the German 3rd place effort against Portugal. What a crowd our friends Nic and Rackesh assembled. I think I met just about every German professional in the tri state area. The beers were flowing and Deutsch was spoken all around. Sweetie and I wore our German Jerseys and wristband in support. The team didn't disappoint! And in hindsight to today's nasty spectacle between the French and Italians, what a class act. Its interesting to witness the modern German perspective in response to their evident national pride. The world was watching, but really couldnt' say anything. In my and Certain Someones opinion the Germans were the "true" winners in the World Cup and they should be complimented on being wonderful hosts. I like my sweeties friends and country, and hope I may someday learn the language. Well now that all this soccer hoopla is over, back to reality of the upcoming work week.

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