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Friday, June 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by superhua.
Last night my ' Certain Someone' told me a amazing story. It seems he got a phone call from Sweden from a former colleague who wanted to know about his new girlfriend'. He was naturally aghast as to how this busy business man ,on the other side of the world ,found out he was seeing me. It seems another colleague of theirs was in a conference in another country, and met a US colleague, who mentioned that he meet the new girlfriend back at a event the previous week. Whew! Honestly don't these people have businesses to manage, than to gossip about us. Then a few days before, a co worker approached him saying he heard that I was mad at Certain Someone' last week because he chose to watch the World Cup, rather than volunteer with me. It seems perhaps someone overheard a conversation I had on the bus making a comment in jest. Well it got back to him in two days . My Auntie Mame always warns me to be discreet and careful about what I say and do,because you never know who's listening and watching. I guess I 'm getting a inkling of what BRANGELINA must feel like.

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